Poona Community Enhancement & Infrastructure Planning

Our opportunity to shape our township to meet our future needs
A community working together in concert with all levels of government, can achieve a great deal.

Timeline   Community Engagement   QG Boating Forecast Study   Council Services   Formal Documents   Property Data   Census Data   Current Status


Our Town - Our Say

The Poona Community Progress Association Inc. (PCPA), is there to support our community and takes serious its obligations in representing the community at all levels of government. As a community we continue to grow and evolve as an idylic beachside location and with a desire to make our town more liveable and ensure the town receives its share of services and amenities. Of significance though, we have somewhat unique issues associated with an ageing demographic with distance to services.

Faced with a range of issues affecting the community, in 2016, our community came together to shape a 10 year town plan. Being a '10 Year Plan' - the community considered what Poona should look like in the 2030s. Below are some comparative images aimed to prompt thinking of how Poona shapes up against neighbouring communities. The top images are existing photos of Poona and second demostrating alternative appearances, more of the norm in other communities.

The Town Plan was formally adopted by Fraser Coast Regional Council in 2020 and now into 2025 it's timely for the community to review what has been done; what hasn't been done, and why. Akin to the process undertaken in 2016 the Poona community will again be invited to make contributions/comments etc ahead of open workshops to discuss and set a forward plan.

  Poona foreshore Poona trails Poona mangroves Poona foreshore Poona boating Poona channel Poona trailer parking Poona foreshore  
  Poona foreshore Poona mangrove walks Poona foreshore Poona boating Poona channel trailer parking Poona foreshore  

Poona Infrastructure Planning - The Process

This page is designed as a medium to share facts and follows the evolution of concerted efforts on behalf of our wonderful community. Over many decades, all actions have had broad support of the majority of residents and since 2016 all actions undertaken have followed agreed actions established at open community workshops and actioned by the PCPA in accordance with those determinations.

For clarification of any aspects or general enquiries please contact the Infrastructure Planning Sub-Committee (IPSC) by email.

Poona's Infrastructure Timeline

1960s   1970s   1980s   1990s   2000s   2016   2017   2018   2019   2020   2021   2022   2023   2024   2025  

Below is a summary of actions in chronological order and incorporating links to supporting information and to downloadable, key documents.


In 1967, the original 640 acres of freehold land was sub-divided with a section on Outridge Avenue/Boronia Drive (29 lots) going to auction. The balance of the parcel of land was sold to the Poona Palms Pastoral Company.

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A channel was dredged in the 1970's (Owen Cox St) by the Poona Palms Pastoral Company for the specific purpose to load and unload cattle. The channel was quite a way out from high water mark. The spoil was used as fill in the caravan park with the park owned by the pastoral company.

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The dredged channel was accessed by local fisherman directly from the foreshore (no ramp). Through these early years the community strongly advocated for a proper boat ramp.
With continued lobbying, in the late 1980s a single boat ramp was constructed to join the existing dredged channel. The community was quite accepting of the facility, generally meeting the needs at the time but noting there were no designated trailer parking bays and the ramp facing the prevailing SE winds was a difficult ramp for launching and retrieving.

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In 1992, the developer (Forrester Kurts) acquired from the Poona Palms Pastoral Company a 230ha site at Poona. The land had approval for 144 residential blocks. The Maryborough City Council (MCC) had strongly opposed any development in Poona but their decision is understood to have been overturned on court application.

Poona started to develop with nicely constructed housing blocks and the town started its growth.

In 1994, the first actions were taken on preservation of the Great Sandy Strait for environmental protection.

The boat ramp was becoming less usable due to the silting of the channel. The PCPA through the second half of the decade lobbied to get the channel dredged. See historic photos.

The MCC, with the financial backing of the developer (Forrester Kurts) had applied for dredging of the channel and an upgrade of the ramp but that request was denied by Fisheries Department on environmental grounds. MCC lodged an Appeal to the Fisheries Tribunal and a public meeting was held at the boat ramp demonstrating the community's desire to have the channel dredged.

Issues arose in the community with a long-time resident opposing the dredging purportedly because it would only attract more boats to the area and take the fish. The resident, ignoring the community's desires organised a petition with 70 signatures against the proposal. The consequence being that MCC withdrew the Appeal and the project shut down.

In 1999, with environmental interests of the migratory shorebirds, a Ramsar Wetland Area in Great Sandy Strait was declared.

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Early in this decade the new land developer sought to decrease the planned block sizes on the balance of the estate (higher density living). The community strongly objected on environmental grounds having particular regard to the agreement governing the world heritage status of the Strait. Legacy storm water issues were another factor. Strong lobbying resulted in the proposal being overturned.

Two more concerted efforts were made in this decade by the PCPA to get the channel dredged with the last effort focussed on safety, should there be a serious bushfire. Council and the State Government continued their stance that the area was environmentally sensitive and would not gain the necessary approvals from the environmental agencies.

In 2006, the Great Sandy Strait was declared a Marine Park.

In 2008, the MCC was amalgamated into a larger conglomerate, the Fraser Coast Regional Council (FCRC) with management moving to Hervey Bay and over time, a community perceived view that there was less interest in the towns on Sandy Strait (refer to table of Poona's gains/losses).

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General community displeasure remained as to be the 'poor cousins' when it came to infrastructure, including the sub-standard boat ramp. Colloquially, the ramp was referred to as the 'boat ramp to nowhere'.

Concerns were expressed as to the need to cater for both a growing and an ageing community (refer to population data). The depressed land values in Poona, in comparison to our neighbouring communities (>30% difference), was clearly a concern as is the case for most people, their home was their greatest asset. Many residents forced to relocate because of health issues were faced with significant financial shortfall in purchasing elsewhere. Refer to property data

Issues were identified and a stand out was a lack of infrastructure since the developer had gone and FCRC generally reducing services to the town (eg Blue waste transfer bins, removal of second toilet block, foreshore management, closure of green waste dump).

A dedicated Infrastructure Planning Sub Committee (IPSC) was established under the auspices of the PCPA.

MSQ had advised the IPSC of the engagement of GHD Consulting to undertake the latest Statewide assessment of boating infrastructure needs. The IPSC made a formal submission to that study and focussed on 3 important elements – economic, social and safety for an improved boating facility in Poona.

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Initiated by the IPSC, the community was asked to ‘have a say’ on what our town needed and all those inputs were collated into a database and presented without opinions/recommendations etc. to the first workshop.
That community workshop (22 April 2017, over 100 attendees) was held to discuss the ideas presented in the survey and identify the forward actions (10 Pillars). They were-

  1. Pathways & Walking Trails
  2. Beach Erosion - Mitigation
  3. Foreshore Infrastructure
    • Boat Ramp Upgrade
    • Official MSQ Navigational Markings
  4. Foreshore Enhancement
  5. Street Scaping
  6. Precinct Infrastructure
  7. Precinct Enhancement
  8. Community Services
  9. Development
    • Tourism
    • Retirement Village
  10. Council Services

For more information refer to the section on Community Workshops/Open Meetings

Collectively, these Pillars focussed on the community’s identified needs as a growing and ageing community. One of the 10 Pillars was an improved boating facility and seen as integral to a future plan.

Analysis of tide and wind data showed a ramp that had very limited access. In fact, studying the 2016 Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) data showed that the ramp was only usable for 48% of daylight hours and when wind was taken into account (direction & strength) that percentage was reduced to just 29%. Looking at it another way a fisher wanting to access the Strait on weekend mornings, over the entire 2016 calendar year that was only achievable on a ratio of 1 out of 9 weekends.

Initial enquiries with FCRC and MSQ, there was consistency in response that there was no way any dredging would be undertaken at the existing boat ramp because of environmental impacts and the situation was perceived to be even greater now that the Strait was part of a Marine Park

MSQ released the GHD recommendations in May 2017 (Queensland Recreational Boating Facilities Demand Forecasting Study 2016) and based on the IPSC submissions, boat registrations, regional growth etc. identified Poona as a ‘Priority 1’ (as soon as possible). Of note, in prior Forecast Studies, Poona never previously even ranked a mention. However, this particular Study made a recommendation of an entirely new facility on Poona Creek. This was the first inkling of an alternative. For more information refer to the section on Boating Demand Forecast Study 2017

The IPSC made subsequent written submissions to both FCRC and MSQ outlining Poona’s need accepting at that time the Creek option was all that could be considered.

There were misconceptions in FCRC that there was no value in a ramp on the creek as there was no difference to be gained in tide access, a position at on-site meetings debunked by local fisherman and evidence produced of a drone video taken on a spring low (dead low water). Watch the Video (38mb)

MSQ officers inspected the site on the creek and held a meeting with the PCPA outlining issues and the way forward.

The IPSC was invited to make a personal/formal presentation 29 May 2017 to a Councillor meeting detailing both the need for an improved boating facility and also the need for a new town plan covering the spectrum of the identified Pillars. There was clear support at that meeting from the Mayor and Councillors.

With continuing reservations of FCRC it was eventually agreed to undertake a joint Feasibility Study with the proposed boat ramp. MSQ was to evaluate all the water/ramp matters and FCRC the car parking and land tenure aspects to form the joint study outcome. At this stage, MSQ/FCRC had the Owen Cox St ramp completely out of scope for any expenditure, other than routine maintenance.

Concurrent with the boat ramp actions, the IPSC continued lobbying for an agreed town plan making many submissions and holding numerous meetings at all levels.

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Despite the agreed community position on the 10 Pillars and all the work that had already progressed, in April 2018 one resident emerged and strongly advocated that the proposed new boating facility should be on Poona Point, not on the creek nor an upgrade of the existing Owen Cox St ramp.

Subsequently, discussed at length at community general meetings to which there was no indication of any community support for the idea. The alternative was well and truly addressed and dismissed as an option on environmental and economic grounds. Marine Parks about this time released a ‘green paper’ regarding protection of rocky headlands on the Strait. Poona Point is one such rocky headland.

MSQ completed their hydrographic work and the raw data confirmed that the site on Poona Creek offered far greater access than the existing ramp or other possible foreshore sites.

MSQ advised also that as with the existing ramp, any other foreshore location experienced the same obstacles (wind, dredging etc). Preliminary geotechnical assessments undertaken and initial cultural assessments did not identify any matters of concern.

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Early in 2019 changes were proposed to the marine park and the Association, whilst encouraging individuals to make submissions expressing their individual views, the Association took a high level approach in a formal submission, focussed only on the community elements (eg erosion). The Marine Parks submission can be viewed/downloaded

With the progression of the boat ramp Feasibility Study, FCRC generally failed to meet stated deadlines as part of its commitment.

With the town planning agreement was eventually reached with FCRC to engage Archipelago Consulting, a well credentialed firm of town planners. On 25 October 2019 Archipelago led a terrific community workshop (over 100 attendees) but in the absence of the completed Feasibility Study a town plan could not be finalised.

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COVID emerged and impacted progression of all aspects associated with the Town Planning and the boat ramp.

Similarly, a level of disquiet on the Poona Creek proposal gained momentum and social media was used along with various letter box drops to discredit the plan of a boat ramp on Poona Creek. Disinformation was promulgated as to the unsuitability of the proposed site particularly citing the height of the cliff. The reality was that the site was on the gully adjacent to the cliff and was the former leasehold land upon which 'Tiger' Thompson had a creek side hut until the 1990s. The campaign was fabricated rubbish and lacked any true substance but nonetheless effective in causing dissention.

In the backdrop of those differeing positions of a minority, a further community workshop was convened on 29 February 2020 (over 150 attending) and this followed the release of the joint Feasibility Study. It was a combined Archipelago, MSQ, and FCRC presentation. For more information refer to the section on Community Workshops/Open Meetings

  • At the workshop, boat ramp and carpark plans were displayed and demonstrated the whole project was suitable.
  • The inaccurate facts around inclines were debunked (ramp steepness 1:8 (the standard incline for boat ramps), a turnaround area relatively flat at just 1:20 and an incline to the carpark 1:10). Overall, nothing unusual.
  • Good suggestions from the community were put forward at the workshop having regard to the median age of Poona residents. FCRC set a formal consultation period with final submissions due by 31 March 2020.
  • Clearly when the majority of the town are in favour with what is proposed they do not bother to make written submissions but the results (31 submissions) were strongly in support (80%). Of the negative submissions, one sought a construction on Poona Point (no surprise) and the others cited it being too difficult a site on the creek and/or opposed on environmental grounds.
  • The final Feasibilty Study included an added section rejecting any prospect of a ramp on Poona Point. See Appendix 'J' of the Feasibility Study
  • With modified plans to include floating walkway etc. the total project cost was estimated (with contingencies) at $4.13m.
  • FCRC at its Council meeting on 23 June 2020 voted unanimously, giving ‘in principle’ support for a new facility on Poona Creek and requested that the feasibility report and preferred conceptual design layouts be used as the basis of a joint pre-lodgement meeting with relevant State Agencies.

At the same workshop, a comprehensive town plan was presented by Archipelago and well received seeking to have infrastructure improvements with the underlying approach to maintain Poona’s natural appearance (minimal concrete/bitumen). Following this presentation of a draft plan to the community, FCRC at its meeting on 25 November 2020, formally adopted the Plan as a component of its town planning suite of documents.

With the Poona Creek boat ramp signed off by Council in June, FCRC executives at a meeting 29 October 2020 advised that land tenure was a key topic in light of the relevant parcel of land for the boat ramp car park having recently been handed back to the Butchulla people.

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On 5 February 2021, a meeting regarding boat ramp progress was convened at our MLA’s office and attendees included FCRC representatives. The FCRC representatives emphasised that there needed to be consultation with changes to an Environmental Reserve and there is also the consideration of Butchulla interests. The tenure aspect needed to be dealt with first even though it was an aspect that should have been done as a consideration in the Feasibility Study. Other advice conveyed to the IPSC was that a FCRC meeting with State Agencies indications were that ‘there did not appear to be the number of red flags previously thought’.

No further meetings were held during 2021 and there were some COVID issues but we were led to believe matters were progressing with land tenure issues.

FCRC wins a prestigious statewide award for community engagement associated with the development of the Poona Town Plan and boat ramp consultation.

A small group emerged in opposition to the Poona Creek boat ramp proposal and ignoring the community's democratically determined decisions took up a petition over the Christmas break canvassing locals and visitors to have the existing Owen Cox St ramp upgraded. History repeating itself and giving government agencies opportunities for an 'out', as had happened also in other towns.

To allay many of the concerns an open community meeting was held on 11 December 2021.
For more information refer to the section on Community Workshops/Open Meetings

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With all that had happened, noting nothing would be done at the Owen Cox St ramp and to work to get a better boating facility for Poona, the Feasibility Study completed and essentially a ‘shovel ready’ project for Poona, it became evident that FCRC failed in its undertaking to negotiate with the Butchulla traditional owners.
A highly regarded Butchulla Elder wrote on 22 February 2022 to FCRC and the State Member advising 

  • that the Butchulla people were being blamed for delays in getting a boating facility citing that there had not been any contact with the Butchulla people on the matter
  • the comments also included advice that the proposed site had pipe clay and was culturally significant (in his view). It was not a formal stance of the Butchulla Native Title Aboriginal Corporation (BNTAC) but nonetheless an issue of importance

Instead of taking the matter further through due levels of consultation/negotiation, FCRC in the most dubious of circumstances simply seized on the reference of ‘cultural significance’ and totally withdrew from the project, accordingly advising MSQ of their decision.

While not dismissing the comment around cultural significance, it is of note that the land at the proposed ramp site, under Native Title is ‘non-exclusive use area’. In contrast the area at the existing Owen Cox St ramp is ‘exclusive use area’ and that status extends the full length of the Poona foreshore.

The big question to be answered - what information/facts about the Poona community's desires/requests had been conveyed to the Butchulla Elder to form such a view, and by whom?

Also in 2022, Marine Parks called for submissions on proposed changes to the Great Sandy Marine Park. There were a number of contentious issues affecting all the local coastal communities including-

  • the expansion of ‘go slow’ areas
  • closure of crabbing in local creeks
  • impact of changes to speed within those ‘go slow’ areas
  • unmarked transit lanes, and
  • the significant increase in the level of fines associated with breaches eg. ‘go slow’ zones

With the proposals, the community was encouraged to make individual submissions. Aware of the contentious nature of many of the proposals and affecting all the coastal communities the Association asked for direct community engagement before any proposals were adopted. Consultation Request
It was conveyed by the local member that there would be community engagement but that never eventuated.

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The adopted Poona Town Plan is a 10-year plan but implementation appears to be moving at glacial pace. Essentially nothing has progressed since FCRC sign off in November 2020.

Beach erosion remains a serious concern for many and still no action or even the establishment of a consultative group and/or expert engagement.

FCRC's advice in acknowledging delays has cited budget constraints. Whilst the 2023/24 budget had not yet been released, this position contrasts with the past budget years where both operating revenue and expenditure increased each year in the order of 6-8%. Then couple it with Poona volunteers, unlike many other communities on the Fraser Coast, doing a lot of work with FCRC workers eg. the Parks & Gardens Group that work to keep out town looking at its best (eg maintaining Market Alley and cul-de-sac gardens, public toilet rectification works). All that assistance saves FCRC financially or maybe the work just wouldn't otherwise get done.

With the Poona Creek boat ramp proposal shut down and with no other viable options available in Poona, MSQ undertook to explore further what could be achieved at the Owen Cox St ramp, particularly some form of shallow dredging. A second Feasibility Study was undertaken that involved-

  • a hydrographic survey
  • preliminary agency approvals, and
  • geotechnical sampling

Those steps were completed in February 2023 and the outcome of the Feasibility Study was to be made available within a few months. If dredging was to be permitted, the way forward remained unclear as many other elements come into play including-

  • FCRC's non-commitment (at that stage) regarding car parking in the vicinity of the upgraded ramp
  • the car parking interplay with the existing town plan which had Owen Cox St to be a shared zone and in general, the area to remain in a natural state
  • the foreshore at the Owen Cox St is an 'Exclusive Use Area' under the Native Title Act 1993 and will require FCRC/MSQ negotiating with the Butchulla traditional owners
  • Native Title (Claim #2) extends to the waters which will likely require negotiation before dredging.

In addition, while we may at some point in the future achieve better tidal access, we will though still have a ramp severely exposed to wind (facing prevailing southeast winds without any form of protection).

The latest Recreational Boating Facilities Demand Forecasting Study 2022 was released in May 2023 with Poona relegated to a 'Priority 3' and focussed on the existing Owen Cox St ramp but equally put greater emphasis on usage of the Tuan boat ramp. Whilst the Tuan ramp is only a distance by road of 16 klms, of greater concern is that it exposes drivers to the dangers of the Cooloola Coast Rd (logging trucks etc). The Fraser Coast section of the report can be viewed/downloaded

The overall objective of the community was to gain improved boating access to the Strait, and whilst you could debate the pros and cons of the two sites it remains a positive to achieve any improvement.

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In the previous year commitments were made to undertake a review of the 'no dredging policy' of the Owen Cox St boat ramp. That study was completed in February 2023 and finally a concept plan was provided to the PCPA on 13 April 2024.

The plan proposed a dual boat ramp, fixed walkway and shallow dredging extending to the Poona Ck channel. The dredging spoil is to be used for foreshore renourishment in the area adjacent to the boat ramp. Note this was a concept plan and is yet to be subject of detailed engineering plans/specifications. The Concept Plan can be viewed/downloaded.

On 8 June 2024 (PCPA General Meeting) the State Member (Bruce Saunders) reaffirmed that the existing boat ramp will be converted to a dual ramp with shallow dredging to facilitate greater access to the Strait. Bruce Saunders undertook to present further details at the PCPA July General Meeting but this did not eventuate.


Marine Park changes to be implemented

On 11 May 2024 the State Member, Bruce Saunders provided the Community General Meeting with a summary sheet detailing Marine Park changes to come into effect from 21 May 2024.
This stemmed from the Qld Government's 'Green Paper' in September 2022. Appreciating the scope of change and noting there had not been local community consultation, commensurate with the complexity and significance of the proposed changes, the PCPA along with the other coastal towns, requested that the Department hold workshops in the Sandy Strait communities. It was proposed that the workshops be attended by the experts who can explain in detail the proposed changes and benefits of those changes. Stated support for that action was received from the State Member but no response from the Department or subsequently, any form of community workshops.
Next response - changes, essentially as proposed in 2022, now being implemented.

Clearly, these changes have broad implications for all fishermen and so too, those simply venturing out on the waters of the Great Sandy Strait. Of particular note is the speed in 'Go Slow' zones which has been reduced to 'less than 6 knots'. Certainly won't be a popular decision in the local areas of Poona, Boonooroo and Tinnanbar. Then there is the muted future changes of 'Seasonal Shorebird closure areas' and one would imagine that will impact the Poona area as well. Please review the

The handout ' Information Sheet', and
Marine Parks website
for further information.


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There was a change of Government at the end of 2024 and a new State Member, John Barounis. The incoming Government's pre-election commitment had $1.5m ear-marked for erosion mitigation in the 5 Sandy Strait coastal communities Maaroom, Tuan, Boonooroo, Poona & Tinnanbar.

Background information on erosion; the State Government undertook a statewide review of the impacts of any rising sea levels. The work was conducted by consultants over several years and a suite of documents can be viewed on the FCRC website Coastal Hazards

Erosion mitigation was one of the key actions of the Poona community incorporated in the Poona Town Plan, signed off by the community and FCRC in late 2020.

On 21 January 2025, Boonooroo Progress Association hosted an erosion mitigation meeting with representatives of all Sandy Strait coastal communities and with State Member John Barounis, Councillor Daniel Sanderson and FCRC CEO, Ken Diehm in attendance. Ken Diehm made it abundantly clear at the outset that FCRC will not address erosion issues other than in circumstances where public infrastructure is at risk. MLA John Barounis said he wants the allocated expenditure to go directly to works and each community is to assess it's most urgent need. We suspect that whatever is proposed it will need scrutiny and approval of relevant agencies (eg Marine Parks, FCRC) but it is positive that it is an election comitment and has the unequivocal support of the State Member.

With respect to the Owen Cox St ramp, on 22 January 2025, John Barounis together with Brent Mickelberg, Minister for Transport and Main Roads visited Poona and outlined MSQ's commitment to upgrading and dredging of the boat ramp with this construction works to commence by the middle of 2025.

Subsequent to the above information, on 7 February 2025 the IPSC was advised by MSQ-

  • Dredging is feasible, and subject now to finalisation of agency approvals, conditions and successful completion of cultural heritage measures and agreement.
  • Native title matters have been successfully resolved.
  • Initial cultural heritage consultation has commenced.
  • Members of the Butchulla peoples and an archaeologist are undertaking preservation assessments of the shell midden. These assessments should be completed by the end of February 2025.
  • Actual works and assessment for the beach nourishment area will occur after the February assessment.
  • The scope for the Owen Cox Street (Poona) boat ramp includes:
    • widening the existing one-lane boat ramp to two lanes, plus an additional support lane for a new floating walkway
    • dredging works in the approaches to the boat ramp to improve tidal access
    • the floating walkway to be located on the northern side of the ramp to protect users from predominant north-easterly wave action.
    • beach nourishment for the placement of the dredged material on the foreshore to the north of the boat ramp.
    • widening the existing landward approach to the boat ramp to complement the existing carpark area.
  • Upgrades to the car-trailer parking area at the Owen Cox Street (Poona) are the responsibility of Fraser Coast Regional Council (FCRC) and MSQ understands this is under consideration by FCRC.
  • Detailed design was completed in December 2024 and the plans have been provided to the IPSC for review. View the ramp upgrade plans here
  • Tendering and tender evaluation are scheduled for May-June 2025
  • Works are currently scheduled for August-September 2025. This timing remains subject to successful gaining of statutory approvals and cultural heritage agreement.

Things appear to be moving and we can only hope, actions don't revert to glacial pace.

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Community Workshops/Open Meetings

Workshop 27 April 2017

With numerous community submissions made and collated into a database, the IPSC held an open community workshop on 22 April 2017 to discuss the towns inputs and to firm up on what directions needed to be taken. The presentation covered our evolution as a community and considered what has been happening with property values and the general decline in infrastructure and services in, or available to Poona. Those attending put forward a number of additional ideas to help shape our future direction.

The Workshop Handout of April 2017 can be downloaded       Presentation

Following this initial workshop and with regard to the desire for a better boating facility, the first approach was to FCRC and MSQ that centred on an upgrade of the Owen Cox St ramp but this was very quickly ruled out on environmental grounds.

In May 2017, MSQ had released the GHD Study (Queensland Recreational Boating Facilities Demand Forecasting Study 2016) that identified the need for a new facility on Poona Creek rather than any upgrade of Owen Cox St ramp. FCRC, again after much lobbying agreed to a joint Feasibility Study with MSQ.

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Workshop 25 October 2019

After much lobbying by the IPSC with regard to the urban planning, Council finally acceded to the appointment of Archipelago, a consultant expert urban planner who conducted a second open workshop on 25 October 2019. Below are the links to the relevant documents from the workshop

Full Presentation       Download    Workshop Summary       Download

However, by this stage FCRC had agreed to a joint Boat Ramp Feasibility Study and this work was crucial and integral to the broader Infrastructure Plan. The next stage of the Archipelago consultancy was deferred pending availability of that Feasibility Study.

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Workshop 29 February 2020

The third workshop was organised in concert with FCRC and facilitated by Archipelago. Also in attendance were personnel from FCRC's Engineering Section and a number of technical officers from MSQ, each providing the community with detailed facts upon which to base decisions.

With over 150 locals attending the workshop it was most informative and FCRC and MSQ provided presentations on the outcome of the Feasibility Study with concept drawings of the boat ramp on Poona Creek and the accompanying carpark. Opportunity was provided for extensive questioning from the floor which led to some very positive suggestions.

Both presentations from 29 February 2020 together with the complete Feasibility Study are available for downloading. The latter document is split into two parts -

Boat Ramp Presentation (1mb)   Archipelago (Infrastructure) Presentation (8mb)   Draft Feasibility Study Part 1 (20mb)   Draft Feasibility Study - Annexure, Approvals Summary (19mb)

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Community Meeting 11 December 2021 - New Boating Facility

The PCPA General Meeting on 11 December 2021 was provided with a presentation and update on infrastructure developments by the sub-committee. A PDF copy of the presentation and associated documents can be downloaded below.

Presentation (PDF)    Video - low water/spring tide 38mb    Carpark Concept Design    Ramp Concept Design    Community Consultation    Mayor's Media Release    GM Handout

Further questions are answered in this Q&A.     Q&A

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Fraser Coast Regional
Council Infrastructure/Services

Following council amalgamations in 2008 which had Maryborough City Council merge with Hervey Bay to form the Fraser Coast Regional Council, we look at what infrastructure and services to Poona that have been gained/lost and we note the following.



Upgraded playground in Eric Coe Park

Blue waste bin transfer station ceased

Drainage improvements on Boronia Drive

Boonooroo dump operating on reduced hours and restrictions on what can be dumped there

Installation of two second hand bus shelters (from Hervey Bay)

Green dump gone and no alternatives put in place

Upgraded playground in Eric Coe Park

Toilet block on Poona Point removed leaving just one public toilet block for the whole of Poona

80 metres of concrete footpath on Boronia Drive (from nowhere to nowhere)

Foreshore not duly maintained - mowing ceased and palm frond pickup & removal stopped


Negligible maintenance undertaken on the walking trails (overgrown and often too boggy to walk)


Mobile library cessation


Withdrawal of support for the Poona Creek boating facility

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Poona Population Data

From its beginnings in the late 1960s Poona has continued to grow. Early Census data is not available by locality but it can be seen from the below graphs that there are clear upward trends in both population and dwellings. Of particular interest is that the community is showing an ageing population.




To view a larger images - right click on the image and 'open image in new tab' or 'save image'.

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Poona Property Data

In 2016, with concerns about the depressed property market in Poona, questions were raised as to why? A comparison was done that showed the value of properties in Poona were significantly lower than other coastal towns and more broadly other parts of south east Queensland. At the time there was an oversupply of vacant land on the market, leaving Poona values in the order of 30% lower than comparable places.
But the question was - if Poona had comparable public infrastructure, eg a decent boating facility, would that situation change and would the community, as a whole benefit through greater property asset values.




To view a larger images - right click on the image and 'open image in new tab' or 'save image'.

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Formal Documents

FCRC Consultation Results      FCRC Endorsed Poona Town Plan.       Feasibility Study (Final) 44mb     Feasibility Study without Appendices (Final)     Appendix A - Extract from GHD report    Appendix B - Concept Designs (1A &1B)    Appendix C - Concept Designs (3A)    Appendix D - Concept Design (Floating Walkway)    Appendix E - Poona Creek Survey    Appendix F - Carpark Design    Appendix G - Cultural Heritage Assessment    Appendix H - Geotechnical_Investigation    Appendix I - Approvals Part 1    Appendix I - Approvals Part 2    Appendix I - Approvals Part 3    Appendix J - Public Consultation

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Boating Demand Forecast Studies

In May 2017 the Queensland Recreational Boating Facilities Demand Forecasting Study 2016, prepared by GHD Consulting, identified Poona as a 'Priority #1' for a new boating facility and recommended a site on Poona Creek.

Fraser Coast has one of the highest boat registrations north of the Sunshine Coast with forecast significant growth and higher demand for boating infrastructure. You can download the full GHD report, sections relevant to Fraser Coast Region or just pages regarding the Poona facility. The latter though excludes supporting data and economic analysis.

Full Report 39mb       Fraser Coast 12mb       Poona Section 1mb

The latest Recreational Boating Facilities Demand Forecasting Study 2022 was released in May 2023 with Poona relegated to a 'Priority 3' with focus reverting to the existing Owen Cox St ramp but equally, put greater emphasis on usage of the Tuan boat ramp. Whilst it is only a distance by road of 16 klms, more importantly it exposes drivers to the dangers of the Cooloola Coast Rd in the travels

You can view the Fraser Coast section of the report Fraser Coast

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Historic Photos of Owen Cox St Ramp

Aerial photo of the pastoral channel dredged in 1970

boat ramp image

Site of the boat ramp before construction in the late 1980s

boat ramp image

1999 photo depicting the silting of the channel and calls for re dredging

boat ramp image

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Questions & Answers

In response to community concerns at various stages and also responding the spreading of disinformation, question & answer documents were released.


Q&A - Dec 2021

Q&A - March 2023


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