the friendly place to be for boating, fishing & lifestyle

The Poona Community Progress Association Inc. periodically emails (generally monthly) our members, the broader community and our visitors with what's happening in the town. If you do not receive our emails but would like to be included in that distribution, please complete the below details and submit. You are free to unsubscribe at any time.

First Name     Surname     Email    

Our Town

As a Poona local there is much on offer and unselfishly supported by our wonderful community volunteers.

Take the time to explore our local area and our walking trails, enjoy the exercise and see some of the wonderful flora and fauna on offer. More information on these trails on the above 'Nature Trails' link.

Our Centenary Hall is the focal point for the community with regular activities at the Hall that include exercise classes, Tai Chi, Yoga, Craft, Line Dancing, singing etc. so you are most welcome to join in.

If you haven't been yet, come along on a Friday night (from 5 PM) at the hall for a cold ale or a nice wine with great home style cooking, and above all enjoy the great company. Hopefully take away one of the prize meat trays.

The Poona Community has a proud history of supporting our community and also raising funds for worthwhile charities/causes including ongoing support to the Sandy Straits Rural Fire Brigade and the Sandy Straits Coast Guard.

Download the latest Poona Community Newsletter      Poona Post - News

Keep an eye on social happenings on the Poona Facebook page   Our Poona Facebook page

PCPA General Meetings

The PCPA holds regular General Meetings at the Centenary Hall so that the Community (members & non-members) have the opportunity to be an integral part in setting the direction. The meetings generally commence at 2 PM and the meeting times are broadly advertised on this page, the Facebook page - Poona Community Noticeboard and in the Poona Post.

Questions at the meetings are most welcome, however, in line with good meeting procedures the Association requires that proposing any action needs to be in the form of a Motion and Seconded. Any proposals (with any supporting documents) should be raised with the Committee at least 10 days before the scheduled meeting so that they can be included on the meeting Agenda giving everyone the opportunity to attend the meeting and have input to discussion.

The next General Meeting will be on Saturday 9 November 2024 at 2 pm.  

General Meeting Agenda (please check prior to the meeting to ensure you have the latest agenda)  Download

Minutes of the previous meeting   Download


The Association & Code of Conduct

The Association's operations are governed under provisions of State Legislation and it has a set of prescribed responsibilities to its members. Committee members have a fiduciary duty and must always act in the interests of the Association and cognisant of the Association's Objects. Standards and responsibilities are set out in its Code of Conduct & Ethics with obligations also implicit for members of the Association.



Association Membership

2024/25memberships are now due and again this year we look to process as many renewals as we can through online payments.

So please make your renewal ($5) as soon as possible by direct deposit to-

  • Name: Poona Community Progress Assoc.
  • Westpac Bank - BSB: 734 128
  • Account Number: 071337
  • For the reference please include your name & membership number. If unsure of your membership number please email the Secretary

If you are not a member of the Association and would like to join ($5) please submit an application with the support of a Nominee & a Seconder (current financial members of the Association). Online
If you have any questions please contact the Secretary



Poona's Garden Group

Seniors Community Supported Living

The Poona Community Garden Group, meets every Tuesday 3pm in summer and 2pm winter.

Everyone is welcome so come along and enjoy the friiendship. Growing, learning, fun and laughter while producing lots of great food.

For further information contact-

Seniors Community Supported Living



Poona's Young at Heart Group

Seniors Community Supported Living

Seniors Community Supported Living

Seniors Community Supported Living

The Poona Community, recognising the issues associated with its ageing population and the lack of supporting medical and allied health services to the town, has come together to form a self help group. It's all about Community Supported Senior Living.

The Young at Heart Group is free to join and is open to people of all ages who want to share in a regular get together, morning tea, the opportunity of group outings and the general support which a caring community can provide.

There is a dedicated sub-committee formed under the auspices of the Association with Jenny Mason, Lyn Corser and Susan Green working hard to facilitate this wonderful concept.

The group meets every second Tuesday of the month at 10 am at the Community Hall. Visitors to Poona are also most welcome, and encouraged, to attend.

The sub-committee aims to work with the three tiers of government and the medical and allied health sector to improve services and generally enhance the liveability of seniors in Poona. Things are already starting to take shape with stated support from government representatives.

So do take the initial step to come along and have some fun. You will be made very welcome.

For further information contact either-

  • Jenny Mason   0412 928123 📧 Email
  • Lyn Corser   0447 488081